Global Geula Summit

Brocha Lipszyc

Malchus Curriculum

Many of us struggle with the concept of feminine self-care. We often wonder how it all fits in with Mesiras Nefesh and Bittul. In this series, unlock the Torahs secrets to accessing our Feminine Truth.

Get the Malchus Curriculum here

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Book Brocha Lipszyc for One-on-One coaching to help you discover your Inner Queen in all aspects of your life, be it challenging relationships,welcoming abundance or anything else getting in the way of living a fully expressed, joyful life.

Book a Coaching Session here

Use coupon code 'queen20' for $20 discount.

Speaker Bio

Brocha Lipszyc is a Shlucha, educator, writer and inspirational speaker who is passionate about Chassidus, particularly that of sharing the gift of Jewish women owning our Malchus/feminine truth, and it's direct connection to the Geulah/redemption according to the light of Chassidus.

This topic includes mindful self care, gracious receiving, welcoming abundance, dignified empowerment and more. What began as an endeavor to turn her highly popular Tanya classes that she shares with Shluchos around the universe into book form, metamorphosed into a 12 part globally participated videoconference course on the practical application of the embodiment of our Malchus/feminine truth based on Chassidus from all the Chabad Rabbeim, available today in recorded media form.

She most recently introduced global mini support groups for women to support each other in applying this Geulah Avoda/service to their daily lives. She also does one on one coaching in this realm.

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