Global Geula Summit

Rabbi Doniel Katz

February 16, 2020
11AM Eastern, 8AM Pacific

Secrets of Divine Consciousness

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Speaker Bio

RAV DONIEL KATZ Rabbi - Visionary - Psychonaut

For more than a decade, Rav Doniel's open and compassionate teachings have been a catalyst for change in the lives of thousands of people worldwide. Born and raised in Australia, Rav Doniel abandoned his award-winning film and theatre career in his mid-twenties after a year of intensive spiritual awakening. Exploring many wisdom paths and traditions in search of deeper clarity to explain his experiences, he was finally led to Jerusalem in 2000, where he has since spent nearly two decades immersed in the world of Torah and Kabbalistic teachings, learning from some of the city's great rabbis and spiritual masters. For years, Rav Doniel was a favorite teacher at Neve Yerushalayim and Aish HaTorah in Jerusalem. In 2012, he launched the Elevation Project, which is dedicated to unlocking the Torah's definitive system of self - transformation and spiritual development. His mission is to create an international movement that will bring the Torah's ancient wisdom back to the forefront of this generation's spiritual culture, making a serious contribution to the fields of psychology, spirituality and personal-development. Rav Doniel is invited to teach around the world about the multifaceted paths of Torah and Kabbalistic wisdom. Highlights include: presenting at the Mind & Life Institute in Massachusetts as part of their 2015 symposium on Science and the Meditational Tools of Abrahamic Traditions; speaking at the Sinai Indaba conference in Johannesburg and Cape Town at the invitation of the Chief Rabbi of South Africa, during which over 5000 people attended his Elevation sessions; and presenting at the 2016 Wisdom 2.0 conference in Tel Aviv. By nature an integrator and systems thinker, Rav Doniel is a spiritual seeker with a gift for facilitating deep spiritual awakenings in those he encounters, whatever their backgrounds or beliefs. Challenging conventional paradigms of self and the nature of reality, his teachings are simultaneously ancient and modern, transcendent and practical, intuitive and intellectual.

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