Global Geula Summit

Haya Baker

February 25, 2020
11AM Eastern, 8AM Pacific

Healing Body and Soul

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A Heart Homecoming meditation "Presence With Your Beloved Creator". Begin to transform eons of stress as you open your heart to your Creator...

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Speaker Bio

Haya Baker M.A. is the founder of Divine Integration Healing, Heart Homecoming and a trailblazer of conscious evolution.

For decades, Haya has been supporting many worldwide in their growth, wellness, relationships, in their authentic contribution and their heart-based success. Haya specializes in helping people (and even animals) to reconnect to their essence, to the universe, and especially to each other, through the one, loving Source of all that is.

As we return to our authentic selves, we encounter our caring Creator awaiting our initiative to become, thrive, connect and share our unique spectrum of Divine light with our world.

In her private practice Haya facilitates and teaches prayer-based, return to ourselves, and to our nurturing, healing relationship with our Creator. As we join with our Creator through all our encounters with life, we develop the most authentic heart mastery tools for our unique path, relationships and calling.

Since graduating with honors from Colombia University and completing her M.A. at N.Y.U. in Environmental Education, Haya chose to dedicate her life primarily to the inner human environment. For the past several decades Haya has been developing and teaching prayer-based conscious transformation for a new era of re-connection.

Haya's modality draws upon principles from Meditation, Psychology, Physics, Ecology and other natural sciences.

Her greatest inspiration, however, comes from the divine mystical wisdom of the Torah as passed down through the ages by prophets and sages. The Torah sages teach of a time of Geula, a reawakening, to bring about the end of war, hardship and suffering. It is a process of personal and universal redemption from within our nurturing relationship with ourselves, with each other and especially with our beloved Creator.

Haya's goal is to facilitate personal and global transformation one compassionate heart at a time.

Haya resides in the Judean Hills, near Jerusalem, where she spends as much time as she can with her family. With gratitude to the Master of the universe, Haya is a proud mother of seven miraculous children and a grandmother to a growing brood of young miracles.

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