Global Geula Summit

Rabbi Asher Crispe

February 9, 2020
11AM Eastern, 8AM Pacific, 6PM Israel

The Miraculous Future Emerging Today

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Speaker Bio

Asher is a highly knowledgeable technology expert and futurist as well as a media aficionado with a thorough and intimate knowledge of emerging developments in science and the digital universe.

With over 20 years of experience as an educator, he regularly travels the world as a speaker/lecturer teaching in Jewish centers and academic institutions. He specializes in illuminating the arts and sciences through the lens of the Torah. His lectures have focused on: music, film, art, architecture, gender theory, psychology, education, economics, regenerative medicine and physics.

He has worked with Rabbi Ginsburgh on numerous books while serving as the Educational Director of the Gal Einai Institute in Israel. He has also served as a consultant for financial, medical and technological projects all relating to future trends. Asher co-founded INTERiNCLUSION with Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh in the spring of 2010.

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