Global Geula Summit

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

February 17, 2020
11AM Eastern, 8AM Pacific

Accessing Divinity & Geula through Meditation & Mystical Torah

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Speaker Bio

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman has forty years of experience in the field of Jewish education. He was a founding family of Moshav Meor Modiim in 1976, where he served several years as the Director of the Center of Jewish Education, which successfully ran programs for over 5,000 participants from over 25 countries. In 1988, Rabbi Trugman and his wife took the position of Regional Directors of NCSY in Denver, Colorado. The Trugmans returned to Israel in 1995 and are now the Directors of Ohr Chadash: New Horizons in Jewish Experience, a dynamic program they created that has run programs for tens of thousands of participants. Their website, you-tube channel and facebook have gotten millions of visits. Rabbi Trugman has visited over 45 cities world-wide, leading Shabbatons, giving classes, performing music and serving as scholars-in-residence.

Rabbi Trugman has written seventeen books and produced seven music discs of original music. To see a full description of the books and music go to and

To see the full gamut of Rabbi Trugman's work go to:>

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