Global Geula Summit

Rivka Malka Perlman

February 4, 2020
11AM Eastern, 8AM Pacific

The Creator's Unconditional Love

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Speaker Bio

A Life Coach, a YouTube sensation, a mother of eight, a survivor of a near-death experience, founder of Redemption Retreats and the Geula Gathering. Rivka Malka's mission is to bring every woman on a powerful healing journey to personal redemption with the ultimate goal of readying us for global redemption.

As founder of Geula Gathering, her vision of a mass movement of yearning for Geula came to life as over 24,000 women around the world gathered in song and prayer for Redemption.

The Geula Gatherings continue and are gaining momentum as we step into this new era of ever increasing light. The women have big work to do and Rivka Malka is here to say " We can do it!"

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