Global Geula Summit

Sarah Yehudit Schneider

February 26, 2020
11AM Eastern, 8AM Pacific

Living as a Partner in Creation and the Unique Root/Role of Your Soul

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Speaker Bio

Sarah Yehudit Schneider is the founding director of A Still Small Voice, a correspondence school in classic Jewish wisdom (including Kabbala) that provides weekly teachings and holiday mailings to subscribers around the world.

Sarah Yehudit's most recent book is You Are What You Hate: A Spiritually Productive Approach to Enemies. She is also the author of Kabbalistic Writings on the Nature of Masculine and Feminine. In addition, she wrote Eating as Tikun, Purim Bursts I and II, and Evolutionary Creationism as well as essays published in a variety of journals and anthologies. She has also produced a series of Illustrated Video Teachings on Jewish Meditation, Paradox, and Choice vs Destiny which can be viewed on her Still Small Voice website.

Sarah Yehudit has a BA in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology from the University of Colorado in Boulder. Since 1981, she has lived in Jerusalem, followed an orthodox path of observance, and immersed herself in the study of mystical texts. In addition she completed the program for advanced study at Neve Yerushalayim Seminary for Women. Sarah Yehudit teaches a variety of weekly classes in Jerusalem, teleconference classes to the States, as well as offering private instruction to individuals seeking a more personal encounter with text.

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