Global Geula Summit

Sara Tova Best

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"Why aren't family/friends more supportive of My Journey?" is an 2-part AUDIO SET of Kabbalistic insights plus healing exercises.

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Enjoy a 68% discount on a full-hour freeSoul-Based Coaching session, Combining EFT tapping, Matrix Reimprinting and NLP with Kabbalistic wisdom. If you have 'hit a wall' with your spouse, with kids, with your self... A soul-based Coaching session can be near-miraculous! Enjoy a full-length session (normally $150) when booked during this summit, ~for $47

Make an appointment or get more info.


Myth-busting is one of Sara Tova Best's favorite pastimes.

Armed with the revolutionary concepts of Chassidus and Kabbalistic thought, a sense of humor, and well-honed coaching and healing skills, she is devoted to helping women worldwide upgrade their life perspective and lifeskills.

In plain language this means, a deeper view 'from Above' brought down into our kitchens, our parking-spot challenges, and of course the big-R, relationships.

As a certified E.F.T. practitioner (*Emotional Freedom Techniques), coupled with her speaking, teaching and writing skills, she has created a powerful blend of spiritually-based mind-body healing... that helps us expand our horizons, while becoming more grounded and more joyful.

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