Global Geula Summit

Shimona Tzukernik

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Living the Life You're Being Called To

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Meet the Method: A Taste of the Kabbalah Coach's Transformational Program

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Speaker Bio

Shimona is the creator of The Method, a coach and international lecturer.

She has addressed the UN Staff Recreation Council and has been featured in media around the world -- including a documentary by National Geographic and "Take Me to Your Mother" for NickMom TV.

Her online program The Method, guides participants to live their purpose. The program's reach and impact garnered the attention of a PhD candidate at Emory University. His dissertation explores her remarkably effective and contemporary application of ancient wisdom.

Her most intimate work is done one on one as a coach for private clients. They consistently give her glowing reviews, thanking her for her wise, intuitive, impactful, and gentle work. Having coached hundreds of individuals, she now offers certification in The Method so that others too can provide the same spiritually based transformation for their clients.

For over twenty years Shimona has shared her wisdom on a range of topics with tens of thousands of people across the globe including America, Canada, England, South Africa, France, Israel, Australia, Germany, Argentina, Brazil and beyond. People consistently thank her for "the lecture of a lifetime". She's driven by a passionate desire to reveal to each person the map of who they truly are so that each individual can flourish beyond what they've dared dream and make our world purer, brighter and holier.

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