Global Geula Summit

Yocheved Rindenow Kalev, LMHC

Experience True Freedom


A four week series on transforming emotional blockages and accessing a higher state of being. Each week we'll be moving through different core emotional blockages.

Starting March 16th

Register Here!

Speaker Bio

Yocheved has been a Psychotherapist & Healer for over 15 years, assisting clients with transforming emotional blocks so that they can experience the magic and freedom of their true divine selves.

Her personal journey led her to explore Jewish mystical teachings and cutting edge spiritual technology, and she incorporates in her work both ancient Kabbalistic sources and the latest scientific research on healing and personal empowerment.

Yocheved was raised as Orthodox Jew in a family that comes from a long lineage of Hassidic masters, spiritual teachers and healers, tracing back to the Baal Shem Tov.

Her goal is to apply the wealth of knowledge from the wellsprings of inner Torah to help empower people from around the world to heal their bodies and their lives so that they can shine their inner divine light to make an unique difference in the world.

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